Meet the Crew



I’m a professional writer, editor and storyteller. Along with being involved in church leadership as a missions president and Celebrate Recovery leader, I am passionate about discipleship and doing life with fellow believers. In my spare time, I like to read, journal, work on creative projects, exercise, spend quality time with friends, watch TV, and play videogames. I’m also a huge Tolkien/Lewis/Chambers fanboy, a word nerd, a major hugger, a dog person (though some cats are okay), and a lover of Vitamin CH (chocolate). Aside from this website, I have a personal blog that you can read and follow at


Hey guys! I am the founder of Let’s Devo, a youth pastor, a system administrator, and super happy husband of an amazing wife! I am passionate about sharing the word of God and leading people to engage with it in a deeper way. I lead a pretty busy life, but I am so excited to start this journey with you!