Join the Devo Crew!

We cannot do this by ourselves. A devo crew member is someone who helps us write devotionals so that we can post daily. If you enjoy writing and helping people seek Christ, we want to encourage you to partner with us and we can be your outlet for helping others in there daily devotional life. We encourage a brief devotional that helps the reader engage with scripture.

Submit your Devo to

Submission Guidelines

  1. Devos must be based on solid scriptural truth, with at least one reference to a particular scripture and an application of that scripture.

  2. Devos must be no more than 500 words long.

  3. Please refrain from taking extreme political, racial, or otherwise divisive stances in your devos unless you have solid scripture to back up your viewpoint.

  4. Please refrain from attacking, judging or talking negatively or harshly about another person (or the reader) in your devo. If you must reference someone else in a negative way, please change or do not use their name to protect their privacy. This guideline also includes being aggressively opinionated on a particular subject or about a particular person. There is a difference between writing something spiritually challenging and writing something prideful or hateful.

  5. We do not accept devos that contain inappropriate language and/or swearing, particularly when it comes to taking the name of the Lord in vain.

  6. All devos must come back to focus on the Word of God and how to engage with it.

Please bear in mind that all devos WILL be edited for content, length, and theological validity. Also, you do not have to add application questions, but if you do not, we will. Finally, we reserve the right to not publish your devo.