Do You Believe God?

By: Kellye Smith

“Now it was credited to him was not written for Abraham alone, but also for us. It will be credited to us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭4:23-24‬

The story of Abraham’s faith is one of the greats. At the age of 100, he was still believing God when He said He would give him and his wife a child. Can you imagine? The odds certainly weren’t in their favor, but Abraham believed.

I think we always have a choice. I also think the enemy whispers often enough to us to distract us from what the Bible reveals to be true. The Bible is God’s Word. Reliable. Infallible. It reaches across time and is relatable even in the most modern and progressive of settings. When we take issue with Scripture, Biblical scholars remind us that the issue is not with Scripture itself, but rather within us. Perhaps the same is true of our faith and where we place it.

This is the simplest of things because doubt is real and the enemy is always working, but Christianity boils down to one thing: do you believe God? Do you take Him at His Word? Do you choose to meet each doubt and answer it with “because God told me so.” Do you dare to stare your circumstances in the face and choose to believe that one day things will be better? Do you dare to hope?

You and I are not so much different than Abraham. He was a man. Just a man. But he went down in the annals of God’s Word because of his faith. Is that where the difference lies? Personally, reading about the simplicity of choosing to believe, ignoring all else really makes me wonder about my own doubts.

Believe God. Take Him at His Word. If you aren’t, what’s stopping you? Perhaps it’s time to take those doubts about whatever is weighing on you and ask God to increase your faith so that choosing and believing is simple once again.

Reflection Questions

  1. In what places of your life are you doubting God or not fully exercising your faith?

  2. What changes in your lifestyle need to take place in order to pay attention to the infallible voice of God rather than the voice of the world?

  3. What do you hope that faith can accomplish in your life?


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