Releasing Control

By: Kellye Smith

“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭

As we move through life, there will inevitably be times of great challenge. Your heart will break and it will feel as if you’ll never recover from the overwhelming multitude of struggles.

But then one day, things lighten and you realize your heart simply doesn’t ache as much. Or, you’ll find yourself sleeping better and you’re just not so worried about that thing that used to keep you up at night.

One day bleeds into the next until years are behind you. There comes a day when we all face the wonderful truth that we survived in spite of every hardest day we’ve ever had.

The first time I read Ecclesiastes I remember feeling so somber. But after some time letting the words marinate, I found tremendous freedom and rest in the release of control I have over my life. Quite literally, what will be will be and no amount of my worrying or trying to control it will change the trajectory.

What thoughts do I allow to fill my head? Do I really trust the Lord? Who’s in control here? These are questions that bring me back to center every time.

Reflection Questions

  1. How can you find freedom in letting go of the things that worry you or that seem too big to conquer?

  2. How often do you take time to examine your thoughts and your heart? How can doing this recenter your attention on God?

  3. Our relationship with God will last forever, and will only grow and mature as we grow closer to Him. What are some things you can do or need to do to build that relationship?


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