Under Control?

By: Kellye Smith

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Think on that for a minute. If God created the heavens and the earth, He had to be there before the creation. There was nothing except Him and then He created everything. Say it with me slowly...ev-er-ree-thing. He created it all. It’s hard to imagine what nothingness must look like, isn’t it?

Now, let it resonate with you just how powerful you must be to create everything—to simply speak it into existence and there it is. Really take some time on this, because if you really let that sink in, this next part will humble you enough that you’ll surrender.

Nothing surprises God about your life. Not the way you’ve failed and broken promises. Not the way humanity is broken. Not that scary diagnosis. None of it. It doesn’t shock Him or surprise Him because He has seen it all and is already standing in your future. Why? Because He created that too. He knows you intimately. He knows the number of hairs on your head and the number of days in your life, however short or long that may be.

So why are you still trying to control this thing? Why are you still hoarding your worries from Him and pretending like you can do it better? Hear me: the day you give it all over to Him is the day you finally gain freedom and life.

Up until that point, you’re only pretending. We have no control, only this illusion that we have control. When you give that up, you surrender, and some crazy cool things start happening.

Make that your goal this year. Just try. You’ve tried it the other way all this time before. How has that worked for you? Why not shake it up? Just try and see.

I promise the good stuff is yet to come.

Reflection Questions

  1. What parts of your life are you still holding onto?

  2. Do you truly trust God to take care of the things you don’t want to surrender? If not, why not?

  3. When has controlling things gotten you into a bad place, and when has giving things up to God helped you out of it?


Have You Been Ignoring God?


The Better Path