God With Us

By: Andy Scoles

This goes out to all who are weary and heavy-laden this Christmas:

Have you considered—really considered—Emmanuel?

“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” is one of my absolute favorite Christmas songs because it illustrates the heart of Jesus’ desired relationship with us and His reason for coming to earth as a baby. It also allows our hearts a chance to cry out to Him, to put our longing for His presence on display.

“Emmanuel” means “God with us”, as most Christians know. That phrase can be easily glossed over. But it’s actually an incredible promise. Think of those times when you’ve been hurting or in a dark place, and you needed consolation. God was present then—He mourns with those who mourn. Think of the times when you’ve been on the mountaintop, rejoicing in victory and joy. God was present then—He rejoices with those who rejoice. This promise of God’s presence is another way in which He shows that He never leaves us. It’s in His nature to be there for us, no matter what, because He loves us. He is so tied to this promise that it is one of the Names by which we can speak to Him. In fact, He’s more than with us, He understands us, because in putting on flesh, coming to earth, facing all the temptation and hardship that we do, and sacrificing His life for us, He can relate to us and empathize with us. He isn’t just God. He’s a person.

One of the most common needs of humanity is to know and be known, to live in relationship with others. One of our biggest fears as a species, therefore, is loneliness. Loneliness can lead to a great deal of despair, selfishness, and sin. We’ll do anything if it means feeling special or important to someone, no matter how misguided the attempt may be. God designed us to need connection, because He intended for us to seek that connection with Him. Jesus is the key to this—God made flesh, to be with us always, and to sacrifice His own life so this promise could be made eternal and not dependent on our flawed nature.

God’s presence manifests itself through a sense of peace and wholeness when we spend time in prayer and meditation. It also manifests itself through the presence of others who follow Him and bear His Name. And it manifests itself in the traditions, sacraments and reminders that we set in place to keep us aware of His promise and presence. If you’re tired this Christmas season, if you’re lonely or struggling with something, if you long to feel known and significant to someone, don’t be satisfied by anything less than the abiding presence of God through prayer and fellowship with the Body of Christ—and don’t be afraid to be that presence for others. He’s just a prayer away, and His arms of grace are open wide. “God with us” is the true meaning of Christmas.

Reflection Questions

  1. What are you struggling with this Christmas? How can “God with us” help you?

  2. What does “God with us” mean to you specifically? What are some times in your life in which He has proven Himself through His presence?

  3. What does “God with us” want from you in terms of action, repentance and obedience?


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